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IPBC Rewards

In today's world, the financial operation of a high school basketball program can get substantial.  This requires the hard work of every booster club supporter to assist in fundraising. So, we want to reward our parents who go above and beyond in these efforts, so we have developed our "Rewards Program." 

How do the "rewards" work?



1.     Minimum level sponsorship to count towards reward is SILVER LEVEL.

2.    If you are a graduating senior, will receive your reward as a "rebate" at end of         season. To be paid out by Awards Banquet.

3.    Must be on active roster of the East Coweta Boys Basketball program to achieve benefit. 

4.    Must submit sponsorship referral form to qualify for reward.

5.    All disputes will be settled by Executive Committee of IPBC. Decisons are FINAL!

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